AUSC Competitive


Aloha United Competitive Soccer Club would like to share some exciting news for the upcoming 2023-24 competitive soccer season. Effective May 8th, Aloha United Competitive Soccer Club (AUCSC) will be integrating with Northwest Elite FC (NW Elite FC). This merger is for the Competitive and Youth Development Programs only as Aloha United Soccer Club (AUSC) will continue to run the outstanding recreation and micros programs they are known for.

We are excited to be integrating with NW Elite FC as we have experienced tremendous growth over the past few years, which has not only exceeded our expectations but it has exceeded our current support structure. AUCSC has a strong player development focus which aligns well with NW Elite FC’s player pathway and whole player approach. Both NW Elite FC leadership and AUCSC leadership are focused on making the transition as smooth as possible.

To maintain this focus the coaching staff and Ryan Henderson (Competitive President) will be transitioning to NW Elite FC for the 2023-24 season. He will be joining the NW Elite FC Board and our outstanding coaching staff of Fortino, Esmy, Felippe and Guy will continue to work with the players. We will have more team specific communication in the coming weeks on what next year will look like and what to expect. but in the meantime we wanted to get the word out as soon as possible so you can start planning and bring forward your questions and concerns.

So what is next? Tomorrow you will receive a joint NW Elite FC and Aloha United Competitive Soccer Club statement about the integration. Following spring break,  we plan to have a parents meeting in early April  to provide an opportunity for you to meet the NW Elite FC leadership team, discuss the transition and the upcoming season as well as answer any questions. Also in April, we are planning to have 3-4 “Friday Night Lights” training sessions with the AUCSC players, NW Elite FC Staff and AUCSC staff for the purpose of getting to know NW Elite FC prior to the start of the 2023-24 season and tryouts.

As always, the AUCSC board and coaching staff remain focused on completing the remainder of the season at the same high level you have come to expect. Have a great spring break and we will see you in April!








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Aloha United Soccer Club
PO Box 6744
Beaverton, OR 97007